What sets
IndieFolio apart

Small and large brands trust us for hiring hard-to-get talent, a human-tech model, and product-led operations

Trusted by awesome companies for critical design work

Pay as you like

Fixed Scope
Decide on the scope of work and pay as you knock off milestones.
Monthly/ Hourly Retainer
Hire top talent by the hour or specific days.
Approve and pay by the deliverable.

Pay as you like

Fixed Scope
Decide on the scope of work and pay as you knock off milestones.
Monthly/ Hourly Retainer
Hire top talent by the hour or specific days.
Approve and pay by the deliverable.


Top creators


Projects Done


Speed to market

Why brands trust us

Hard-to-get talent, hand-picked for you

Curated talent

For your unique project objectives, timelines, expectations, and compensation.

Deep-dive portfolio review

For people skills, passion, talent, and industry expertise. Backed with proof 1-on-1.

Comparison of profiles

Within the industry benchmarks, expectations, budgets, and timelines.

Hard-to-get talent,
hand-picked for you

Hard-to-get talent, hand-picked for you

Powering your creative teams with top design talent and tech

Project Tracker

Share files, feedback, and approvals as a team. In one place.

Video appointments

Book meetings with your shortlisted talent to get valuable face time before making your pick.

Get Proposals

View detailed proposals from cherry-picked talent.

Flexible Engagement Models

For workflows that suit you best. Fixed scope of work, hourly on-demand talent, or on-actuals.

Project Tracker

Share files, feedback, and approvals as a team. In one place.

Get Proposals

View detailed proposals from cherry-picked talent.

Video appointments

Book meetings with your shortlisted talent to get valuable face time before making your pick.

Flexible Engagement Models

For workflows that suit you best. Fixed scope of work, hourly on-demand talent, or on-actuals.

And more things to mention

All files in one place.

Organize all your design work in any format. Simple and safe documentation, access, and file sharing.

100% transparency.

In collaboration, reporting, feedback, project updates, and platform pricing.

Add team members.

Meet your goals with streamlined decisions and cross-functional collaboration.

Simple workflows. From brief to delivery.

Get Started
Step 1: Brief Us

We identify skills, talent, and industry expertise. For core strengths, do a deep-dive portfolio review backed with proof of work

Step 2: Curate Talent

Handpick from a curated talent pool. Receive proposals. Fix timelines, budgets, and expectations.

Step 3: Kick-off

Launch your project in 48 hours. Clear paperwork. One-time platform onboarding.

Step 4: Delivery

Work done faster and simpler with an account manager who orchestrates your project from start to finish.

Check out some Case Studies

Product Walkthroughs With Influencers
Powering Ogilvy's KFC 600 Store Campaign
In-App Gift Card Designs for Special Days
Intuit's No 1 Go-To For GPTW Reports
Branding India's First Intelligent Messenger
Fractal Ink Builds An Agile Talent Workflow

Check out some Case Studies

It’s been wonderful working with Team IndieFolio for the past year. They do an incredible job of bringing the right set of creators for us and making sure they deliver the best within the required time. They’ve been our go-to partners for multiple creative and copy needs. Looking forward to continuing this partnership.

Sristi Agarwal
Program Manager at Intuit India

It’s been wonderful working with Team IndieFolio for the past year. They do an incredible job of bringing the right set of creators for us and making sure they deliver the best within the required time. They’ve been our go-to partners for multiple creative and copy needs. Looking forward to continuing this partnership.

Sristi Agarwal
Program Manager at Intuit India

It’s been wonderful working with Team IndieFolio for the past year. They do an incredible job of bringing the right set of creators for us and making sure they deliver the best within the required time. They’ve been our go-to partners for multiple creative and copy needs. Looking forward to continuing this partnership.

Sristi Agarwal
Program Manager at Intuit India

It’s been wonderful working with Team IndieFolio for the past year. They do an incredible job of bringing the right set of creators for us and making sure they deliver the best within the required time. They’ve been our go-to partners for multiple creative and copy needs. Looking forward to continuing this partnership.

Sristi Agarwal
Program Manager at Intuit India

It’s been wonderful working with Team IndieFolio for the past year. They do an incredible job of bringing the right set of creators for us and making sure they deliver the best within the required time. They’ve been our go-to partners for multiple creative and copy needs. Looking forward to continuing this partnership.

Sristi Agarwal
Program Manager at Intuit India

It’s been wonderful working with Team IndieFolio for the past year. They do an incredible job of bringing the right set of creators for us and making sure they deliver the best within the required time. They’ve been our go-to partners for multiple creative and copy needs. Looking forward to continuing this partnership.

Sristi Agarwal
Program Manager at Intuit India

It’s been wonderful working with Team IndieFolio for the past year. They do an incredible job of bringing the right set of creators for us and making sure they deliver the best within the required time. They’ve been our go-to partners for multiple creative and copy needs. Looking forward to continuing this partnership.

Sristi Agarwal
Program Manager at Intuit India

It’s been wonderful working with Team IndieFolio for the past year. They do an incredible job of bringing the right set of creators for us and making sure they deliver the best within the required time. They’ve been our go-to partners for multiple creative and copy needs. Looking forward to continuing this partnership.

Sristi Agarwal
Program Manager at Intuit India

It’s been wonderful working with Team IndieFolio for the past year. They do an incredible job of bringing the right set of creators for us and making sure they deliver the best within the required time. They’ve been our go-to partners for multiple creative and copy needs. Looking forward to continuing this partnership.

Sristi Agarwal
Program Manager at Intuit India